Friday, June 10, 2016

Weekly Wrap Up- June 10th

Today is Friday, but in my mind it's more like Fri-YAY! 

During the summer, the online campus will close at 12pm Noon on Fridays. 

We hope you are all enjoying your classes so far this term and it is hard to believe that we are already near the end of week 2! Remember to check your grades regularly, as well as the feedback from your professors in your gradebook. If you are struggling with a subject, take advantage of FREE tutoring from! The link is located in your course near the syllabus.

At this point in the term it is too late to drop a course, but you can withdraw. To do so, email your professor directly and he/she will process your request. It is always a good idea to talk to someone in financial aid before you withdraw, because your aid could possibly be effected! 

Contact your advisor today to register for the fall 1 term! Don't miss out on securing the classes you need! 

Enjoy your weekend and stay cool out there! 

Friday, June 3, 2016

Weekly Wrap Up- June 3rd

Happy Friday GMC students! 

It is the beginning of June and we are almost done with the first week of the summer term (and almost halfway through 2016!!)! I hope you all have had a great start to the term and that you enjoy it! 

Today is the last day to drop classes. After today, you will no longer be able to drop classes, only withdrawal. So, if you need to withdrawal, please send a request to your professor from your student account (after today). 

In a few weeks, the online campus will be hosting a summit for Move On When Ready, our dual enrollment program for high school students. The Move on When Ready Summit is designed for high school principals and guidance counselors to learn more about our dual enrollment program through the Online Campus.  The conference will provide insight to admissions requirements, academic policies, classroom design, plus several more topics.  Invitees will have several opportunities to interact with each other and collegiate departments in order to collaborate on best practice. We look forward to meeting with these administrators and counselors to discuss the success of our program!

We wish you the best of luck as the summer term gets underway, remember, you  have ten hours of free tutoring at your disposal and many other resources!