Grade Point Average (GPA)- something that we all think about and an constant indicator of our academic standing and progress. GPA is important for many reasons and, for me, maintaining a certain GPA was always important because I knew I wanted to attend college and graduate school and there is always a minimum GPA associated with admissions.
Of course, you probably already knew that- that your GPA is an indicator of your academic standing and that you need typically need to maintain a minimum for admissions purposes. However, did you know that there is also a minimum GPA associated with financial aid status? This is something a lot of students (unfortunately!) learn the hard way. You can read more about Satisfactory Academic Progress in GMC’s most recent
catalog and I urge you to learn more about it!
So, we know that GPA is important, but what are some easy ways to maintain or improve your GPA? Well for one, it is important that you know how to find and calculate your GPA. You can find this information in your
student portal under web advisor! You can view your GPA on the first page of your program evaluation and your GPA by term can be found under academic profile! There is also a GPA calculator located under web advisor.
What are some easy ways to help boost your GPA and overall student success?? provides some great
ideas, but let’s relate them directly to Moodle and GMC Online:
- Know your syllabus- be sure that you know all the important dates and use it to stay on top of your schedule for the term! The syllabus can be found at the top of each course!
- If you take notes be sure to date them, so that you know which section the material is from! This way, when an exam is approaching, you know just how far back in your notes to go.
- Review your past homework assignments, quizzes, and tests! You can always view the material as soon as the new week opens.
- Take advantage of the Question and Answer forum in Moodle (This can also be found at the top of each course page)! This is a way to talk with classmates about assignments and to get some great input! Having trouble finding a research topic? Can’t remember the Galileo password? Ask your fellow students!
- Live chat- Every student has the opportunity to set up a chat with his/her professor! Just email or send a Moodle message to your professor to set up an appointment time! This is a great resource!!
- Free tutoring- Every student receives TEN HOURS of FREE tutoring in EACH course! Need I say more?
What are some ways that you maintain your GPA? Have you found some useful tips and tricks that you can share with other GMC Online students?
Kayla Brownlow
GMC Online Academic Advisor
Psychology Professor